der neu eröffnete gentlemen’s circle ist weitaus mehr als ein barbershop, denn es ist ein ort der sehnsucht für jeden herrn, der wert auf ein gepflegtes und stilsicheres äußeres, hochwertige accessoires, genuss, exklusivität und entspannung legt.
optisch ist gentlemen’s circle eine moderne interpretation der mondänen salons aus den 20er oder 30er jahren, es dominieren erd- und naturtöne, schwere sessel stehen auf edlem parkett, ein sanft leuchtender tresen aus reinem onyx wird zum blickfang. messing- und spiegelelemente sorgen für beeindruckende reflektionen, von der bar ertönt das leise klingeln von eiswürfeln im gin rickey und in der luft schwebt der duft von zedern- und sandelholz, leder und unverwechselbaren herrendüften. freitagabends nach ladenschluss gesellt sich hierzu noch das aroma kubanischer zigarren, denn dann wird zum „smoking friday“ geladen. und auch wenn ambiente und atmosphäre an einen exklusiven club erinnern, so ist dieser ort offen für jeden, der sich hier wohl fühlt.
one of my favorite artists.
she is magic!
morphoria design collective, düsseldorf
the relation of jewellery to the human body is the moment that differs the object from the art and reveals the proportions. the question of how to wear an object remains open as it is rather lying on the body than the body is wearing it. while white nudity merges to one scenery the object itself gains in importance.
the jewellery catalogue »connecting identities« visualises the collaboration between designers of six european countries. the gist of the project is the connection between different cultural identities on a creative level.
in answer to photographical impressions all contributors designed pieces of jewellery. the catalogue design involves the beholder in this process while challenging him/her to make up connections by his/her own. a coordinate system enables him/her to retrace the idea of action and reaction as well as it ornaments the pages. it is up to the beholder to either just observe the result or build a connection as well. in reference to the six nationalities which are linked up creatively, six colours weave a pattern all over the catalogue and turn it into an object itself.
cooperation with nora luther
»honig« is a magazine about such stuff as life is made of. it is about food, work and pleasure. same but every time different it welcomes us to have a fresh look at our everyday routines and inspires us to take creative action. it accompanies people who are devotionally following their passion and idea of a good live.* it listens to their personal stories and experiences of food in the form of recipes, extracts and illustrates their professional knowlege in the form of info graphics and inspires you to stay alert in present in the form of
instructions manuals.
*photography: as action becomes manifest in objects the person‘s activity is portrayed by objects of their working environment.
initiated and created by pavel becker & nora luther